Friday, May 31, 2024

Chinatown, Water Taxi, Riverwalk in Chicago - MyShadowProductions #173

Hello everyone and hello to June as well :) Ready for Summer?

Pretty Bloom at Garfield Park Conservatory 

Just in case anyone is on the edge of their seat waiting for the “continuation” of my previous post, I have 3 Videos that will hopefully “tell the remaining story” for my adventures in Chicago on May 19, 2024.

Click Here for a Video created from my photos in Chicago’s Chinatown :) It was interesting, not quite what I expected and I didn’t try any of the restaurants :)

Figures for the Chinese Zodiac

Nine Dragon Wall

CLICK HERE for a Video created from my photos on the Water Taxi from Ping Tom Park (Chinatown Stop) to the Michigan Avenue Water Taxi dock :)

This VIDEO is created from my photos walking the west half of the Chicago Riverwalk and continuing on to Union Station for the train ride back to Aurora :)

Meanwhile, I did try a new vegetable for me, golden beets.

I roasted golden beets, zucchini wedges and the beet greens all with olive oil, salt and pepper. Pretty tasty!

In hindsight, it would have been a good idea to get a photo of the beets and zucchini before preparing them :) This whole Blog Thing is a work in progress so there is always next time :)

Have a great weekend !!

Friday, May 24, 2024

Chicago Water Taxi to Ping Tom Memorial Park - MyShadowProductions #172

Happy Memorial Day Weekend !!

I would like to pass on a few “humorous?” things if you don’t mind :)

First, I had a little interaction with Sam, my 16 year old, special needs grandson:

This was me and him sharing shadows months ago:

A few days ago Sam was showing me some “stretches” he does at school and some “dance moves” to the songs “Let it Go” and “Hot Dog, Hot Dog, Hot Diggity Dog”:

I said “You’re something else dude”

Sam said “I am not Dude”

I said “Ok Sam”

He said “Ok Dude” and then his trademark smile :)




There was a really cool sky just after sunset on May 20, 2024:

Nearly a full moon too

Sometimes a little “space” can make a big difference, like in the following:

Nowhere to Now Here :)

Also, this advice can be helpful:

Last Sunday I took the train to Union Station, walked a few blocks north and boarded the Water Taxi boat to see what I could see :)

The first route I took was to the south, to the Ping Tom Memorial Park, about a 20 minute ride down the South Branch of the Chicago River.

The Water Taxi then stops at the Ping Tom Memorial Park for those who want to disembark and enjoy the trails and sights of the Urban Park.

Ping Tom Park also serves as a gateway to Chicago’s Chinatown, just a short walk away.

This statue gives a brief “history” of Ping Tom and the Memorial Park.

Ping Tom Memorial Park was named

in honor of the leading force

behind its creation. Chinatown’s

most noted civic leader, Ping Tom.

A lifelong resident of Chinatown,

Ping Tom became president of several businesses in the community 

after earning degrees in Economics 

and Law from Northwestern University.

In 1984 he and other business leaders formed

the Chnese American Development Corporation.

This private real estate firm transformed a

32-acre rail yard site into Chinatown Square,

a one hundred million dollar residential

and commercial expansion of Chinatown.

Ping Tom was Founding President of the

Chinatown Chamber of Commerce,

a past President and Director of the

Chinese American Civic Council 

and an advisory board member of the

Chinese American Service League.

Ping Tom served as trustee for

a number of important civic

and cultural institutions

He was also an advisor to US. Senators,

Illinois Governors and Chicago Mayors



Click Here for a Video created from my photos on the “excursion”. The Water Taxi boat was fairly crowded and I unfortunately had to include random fellow passengers :)

Hope you enjoyed the Video, and now I get to say something that I have always wanted to say in a blog post:

To Be Continued :)

Have a great day !!

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Geneva, Illinois & Lilacia Park in Lombard, Illinois - MyShadowProductions #171

Buenos Dias Amigos (felt like “talking” Spanish :)

Hope everyone had an enjoyable Mother’s Day Weekend !!

I think the “family” in the photo below did :)

My mom passed away in 2012 and I like to remember her affection for Lilacs, Peonies and Red Geraniums :) Those thoughts were a big part of my recent “day trip” to Geneva, Illinois and then Lilacia Park in Lombard, Illinois. 

It was an interesting day in two cities new to me (I lived in Central Illinois for 60+ years and just didn’t experience this part of the state).

Although I was at least a couple of weeks late for the Lilacs in Full Bloom, it was still enjoyable and fragrant and they even had a few Peonies almost ready to burst :) 

I also overheard a docent giving a tour say that there are over 35,000 tulips and 700 lilacs in the 8.5 acre garden.

Click here for a walk through Lilacia Park and a little bit of Lombard :)

Geneva is the county seat of Kane County, is along the Fox River and has a very unique personality, at least it seemed that way in my short visit. I was there on Saturday, May 11, 2024, and it was very active, especially along South 3rd Street with several blocks of historic storefronts and Victorian-style homes with many landscaped lawns serving as outdoor restaurants. I am regretting that I didn’t get photos but I was preoccupied with getting to the bus on time (I know, misplaced priorities :) Most likely there are photo opportunities waiting for me, I just need to go back :)

Geneva has a nice Island Park (that’s what they named it :) in the Fox River and an interesting walkway constructed under an older railroad bridge.

I bet you wish I had a Video of my Geneva visit from my Photos? Try here to see :)

I have been working on my latest Custom Paint by Number painting slowly over the past several months. I “finished” it this past Sunday. It is a combination of one of my photos at the Cahuita National Park in Costa Rica and a Blue Morpho Butterflies photo that I found in Costa Rica stock photos by others. I couldn’t get a clear photo of the butterflies from my videos, but I think this works.

Here is the photo and my “finished” product (with a few changes:)

This Video shows the progression of the painting :)

If you’re counting :), that makes 4 Custom Paint by Number paintings I have completed:

Saw a couple of Bloomed Peony Bushes along the Fox River Trail :)

One last bit, under the “learn something new everyday” idea, the vegetable/fruit in the photo below was in the assortment of items that we sorted at the Food Pantry last week.

Prickly/Spiny Chayote Squash, raise your hand if you knew what it was, extra points if you have eaten it :)

Hope your week is going good, let’s all keep learning and enjoying life :)