Friday, May 31, 2024

Chinatown, Water Taxi, Riverwalk in Chicago - MyShadowProductions #173

Hello everyone and hello to June as well :) Ready for Summer?

Pretty Bloom at Garfield Park Conservatory 

Just in case anyone is on the edge of their seat waiting for the “continuation” of my previous post, I have 3 Videos that will hopefully “tell the remaining story” for my adventures in Chicago on May 19, 2024.

Click Here for a Video created from my photos in Chicago’s Chinatown :) It was interesting, not quite what I expected and I didn’t try any of the restaurants :)

Figures for the Chinese Zodiac

Nine Dragon Wall

CLICK HERE for a Video created from my photos on the Water Taxi from Ping Tom Park (Chinatown Stop) to the Michigan Avenue Water Taxi dock :)

This VIDEO is created from my photos walking the west half of the Chicago Riverwalk and continuing on to Union Station for the train ride back to Aurora :)

Meanwhile, I did try a new vegetable for me, golden beets.

I roasted golden beets, zucchini wedges and the beet greens all with olive oil, salt and pepper. Pretty tasty!

In hindsight, it would have been a good idea to get a photo of the beets and zucchini before preparing them :) This whole Blog Thing is a work in progress so there is always next time :)

Have a great weekend !!


  1. Nice video/ good music

  2. Hi! My thoughts about China Town were exactly what you wrote " interesting but not what I expected". I think I expected dead chickens hanging in windows and old modes of transportation. The taxi ride was quite impressive. Really did Chicago architectural justice. Patty

  3. Always think to visit Chicago. Thanks for reminding me
