Saturday, February 24, 2024

Mexico City & Bosque de Chapultepec - MyShadowProductions #161

Buenos Dias everyone !!

I am in Morelia, it was a nice 4 hour bus ride on Thursday. The coach buses in Mexico are very comfortable, clean and timely, in my experience. Most have an upper deck with only about 6 seats on the level of the driver, the rest is luggage storage.

I was lucky enough to sit one row behind the front seats and I think I got a few good videos of the trip.

However, I still have photos to share from Coyoacán and CDMX.

The WiFi at my hotel in Morelia is very slow and I hope to find WiFi at the local library (that didn’t work but I think I have figured it out) so I can upload my photo videos to Vimeo and then to this blog.

Bosque de Chapultepec is a very large city park, almost double the size of Central Park in NY.

That being said, I only explored part of it. I did like that they had some “Art” outdoors.

     This is in the mountains in the Mexican State of Tamaulipas, looks beautiful.

Also, Bosque translates to Forest.

CLICK HERE for the Video, basically my photos on Tuesday, February 21.

I do want to share one short video from Morelia.

I was sitting on a bench near the Plaza, eating some papaya, and a lady sprinkled rice for the birds/pigeons. I decided to video the pigeons as they increased in number and then a welcome surprise.

Click Here to see what happened.

I am going to stop here for now, it is Saturday morning, February 24 and I want to see what I can see :)


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