Friday, December 8, 2023

Manzanillo, Costa Rica and a few bad days - MyShadowProductions #152

Buenas Dias !!

Day 7 was Friday December 01, 2023 and I took a day trip to the “end of the road”, in this case Manzanillo.

It is pretty convenient by bus, 10 minutes walk from my cabin to the bus station and then a 1 hour drive. The buses aren’t luxurious, no ac, but with windows open it is comfortable.

The water there seemed to have a special turquoise color that day, maybe just for me or more likely the lighting of the sun and fresh air from the previous rains.

My plan was to hike the Trails at Jairo Mora Sandoval Gandoca - Manzanillo Mixed Wildlife Refuge. The setup was similar to Cahuita National Park, sign in, make a donation and off you go.

I walked/hiked for 3 hours and it felt like double that. Maybe the ups and downs, slippery conditions in a lot of spots and/or maybe my body was starting to react a bit to the previous days.

CLICK HERE for a movie/video created from my photos.

Did you notice this little guy in the movie/video?

Day 8 was Saturday and I woke up with the flu that kept me close to the cabin all day Saturday and Day 9, Sunday. The owner of the cabin, Johssie, and her son, Bentlin, were very helpful going to get me some Pepto Bismol, Electrolyte drinks and medicine and crackers (kind of an old white man thing??) They also gave me some cinnamon and lemon mint leaves to make tea.

                         Don’t worry, I added water :)

Day 10 was Monday and I felt good enough to leave the cabin and walk around Cahuita a little and drop off laundry to pick up later in the day. 

Day 11 was Tuesday and I took the bus again and went to Punta Uva, a little past Puerto Viejo, and mainly just wandered from beach to beach. Actually went swimming at the tip of Punta Uva Point.

View my short movie/video of Punta Uva HERE.

That night though the flu was back, no it wasn’t the pizza :) Pretty rough from about 5 to 10 pm but slept fine after that and on Wednesday morning felt great.

That’s it for this Post, need to work on ideas for the remaining days :)

Adios for now :)


  1. I hope the flu stays away! Enjoy the rest of your trip! - Sarah

  2. 🙏🏻 the flu stays away! Thx for the great photos ❣️

  3. By now I'm guessing you are totally over the flu. Nasty stuff! Enjoyed all the scenery. Take care!!
