Monday, February 6, 2023

San Cristobal El Alto - MyShadowProductions # 130

Buenas Tardes Amigos !!

Saturday, February 4, was my last full day in Panajachel. I revisited the Reserva Natural Antigua to walk/hike/stroll the trail to El Lago (the lake) and the Playa (beach). It is a very peaceful and meditative spot, even good for wading in the Lake’s edge (after removing shoes and socks :) experiencing the spotty sand and the smooth, cobbled rocks and stones.

Saw another sunset (there has been a sunset every night here in Panajachel, probably because there has been a sunrise every morning :)

Click here for a video of Lake Atitlán from the Reserva Playa.

A few photos from a Mirador (viewpoint) on the way to Antigua:

I left Panajachel around 8:30 am on Tuesday and arrived back at Las Farolas Hotel in Antigua around 10:45 am in order to be closer to Guatemala City Airport for my Domestic flight on Tuesday afternoon to Flores, Guatemala via TAG Airlines.

Antigua feels very comfortable and it was easy to settle in for 2 nights.

Today, Monday February 6, I made a Day Trip to San Cristobal El Alto in the nearby hills/mountains. I took an Uber up the hill/mountain (about 15 minutes) and I walked back down (about an hour), pretty smart, huh? Be nice!

CLICK HERE for the movie/video created from my photos, it is a really cool Pueblo and Restaurant overlooking Antigua. For a day that I didn’t plan on taking many photos, I took a lot, and I could have taken twice as many, every step caught my eye.

There are also ruins of a Cathedral in Antigua that I missed in my first days here. Here are a few photos there:

I have to say it was hard leaving Lake Atitlán and it will be hard leaving Antigua in the morning. One consolation for me is that I know I helped out the Frozen Yogurt economy as much as I could :)

Well, if things go as planned, my next Post will be from Flores, Guatemala in the State of Petén, Northeast Guatemala.

Have a Great Day !!


  1. Somehow what I just wrote disappeared. Beautiful Lake, I love all the flowers, there is stone everywhere! Also was that an active volcano? LeeAnn

  2. Looks like an awesome- beautiful place!
