Wednesday, February 01, I took a boat to Santiago Atitlán, the largest village on Lake Atitlán. It is located back in a long bay on the opposite side of the Lake from Panajachel. Because of its size, I succumbed to a “travel guide” at the docks and paid for a one hourTukTuk tour. It was good, got me to the high part of town, the cemetery, the peace Park memorial for those who died in Guatemala’s long civil war, the Catholic Church and a few art shops and some local streets I most likely would have missed.
Life looks a little/lot challenging there and the pressure from the local Mayans to buy their wares is an uncomfortable feeling for me.
CLICK HERE for my movie/video created from my photos in Santiago Atitlán.
Thursday, February 2, I took the boat to Santa Cruz la Laguna for a day of hiking, truly a highlight if I dare to separate it from the other experiences.
Click on the titles below for my movie/videos created from my photos.
Santa Cruz la Laguna Docks Hike
Santa Cruz to Jaibalito to Tzununa Hike
Then on Friday, February 3, I went back to San Juan la Laguna to hike to the San Juan Mirador (viewpoint). The hike was fine, pretty steep but “only” 20 minutes up :) The boat ride back was another story. The wind direction and speed (maybe 20 mph?) made for some pretty serious waves, like 4ft in spots. Needless to say the boat ride was up and down and all around and wet and adventurous. Normally the ride would be about 35 minutes but it took one hour this time. Luckily the wind died down a little after halfway back and the water almost looked “calm” back at the Panajachel dock.
CLICK HERE for my movie/video on the San Juan La Laguna Mirador Hike.
For a quick view of the waves at the San Juan la Laguna Dock Clique Aqui.
Hope you are having a good weekend !!
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