Friday, November 5, 2021

MyShadowProductions #63 - Honduras/Loma de Luz Days 3 & 4

Hola and Feliz Viernes (Hello and Happy Friday)

I don’t have any new photos to share today.

Last couple of days I have been working with another volunteer cutting and nailing some lumber for shelves that we will install in a 40 ft long container box that is used for storage. 

Weather today was mostly great, partly cloudy with a breeze and a few late afternoon showers.

Last night they had a Fellowship get together with some singing (not by me, lol) and request for prayers and expressions of gratitude. It was nice and I met several nice people.

Learning more each day about how many long term missionary doctors and nurses and other fields are here. The families have a variety of their own children and some have adopted children from the Children’s Home as well.

Tomorrow, my plan is to try a load of laundry and decide how I can hang it to dry. I didn’t pack any clothespins but maybe there are some by the washing machine??

After that adventure, I plan to walk to the Caribbean Sea (so grateful that is an opportunity within reach).

After talking with a few people, the photo below shows my proposed route, fingers crossed:

I also made a few notes to give an idea of the lay of the land I call Loma de Luz :)

So, I will have photos to share tomorrow, and hopefully not just photos of the laundry :)

Second thought, maybe I do have a photo to share:

MyShadow says PEACE!

And, the photo below is the concrete slab the workers poured from the concrete they were mixing by hand in yesterday’s movie/video (photo below too). After mixing about 4 or 5 batches like the one in the photo, they carried it in 5 gallon buckets down about 25 stairs to place it, just another day at the “office”. :)

After mixing the cement and sand they shoveled it out into a circle, added water in the middle and all the shovels mixed it:

Can’t resist, another shot of the beautiful Caribbean in the near distance:

Hasta Luego!

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