Monday, November 2, 2020

MyShadowProductions #19 - Sanity Walk Returns - Washington Park

The year 2020 continues, of course, and definitely is not the year of  “Perfect Vision” as 20-20 might indicate, or hope? Hence the desire for another “Sanity Walk”.

Last Thursday, after a Sunday and Monday with 4+ inches of snow and temperatures in the teens and single digits, the weather was nice and sunny with temperatures in the 60’s. I decided to take a short bus ride to Washington Park, also known as “Wash Park” by people in a hurry :)

Washington Park is south of Downtown and 155 acres of grass, trees, 2 lakes, 1 Lilly pond, tennis courts, basketball courts, geese, a few ducks, random Art, flower gardens, walking and biking paths, a drop box for voting, boat house with in-season boat and kayak rentals as well as a Recreation Center with indoor activities like swimming.

Washington Park is also a very popular Denver neighborhood that has a mixture of residential, shopping and restaurants.

It was a “good shadow day” for MyShadow so I made a collage of the MyShadow photos, special “treat” just after Halloween!

My favorite photo of the day.

House across the street from the Park, 610 South Franklin for you Google types.

I chose to walk back to North Capitol Hill, about 3 miles with a portion of the walk on the Cherry Creek Trail from Corona Street to Logan Street. 
Below is a movie/video from my photos. 
One of my granddaughters said about a previous “movie/video”; “That isn’t a movie or video, it is a slideshow with music.”
In my defense, Google photos, iPhotos and iMovie call them movies :) but I think she is right.

I saw this vehicle Saturday morning on the way to my volunteer shift at the West High School Food Bank, kind of interesting?

These photos are someone’s attempt at humor taped to a refrigerator at the Food Bank !?!

“Holy Sheet, what the Sheet were they thinking?!”

Have a great November!


  1. I like your 20/20 vision reference and who knows may be we all needed a little shake to really see our vision. Or 2020 the year is just a raging dumpster fire! Walking for sure does bring some clarity! Thanks for the inspiration!!

  2. Thanks for commenting “unknown”.
