Happy New Year everyone !!
I want to say THANK YOU to all of you for allowing me to send MyShadowProductions to your inbox, I enjoy the creative freedom :)
Well, as I mentioned at the end of my last Post, it snowed!! It was only 2 to 3 inches but it was ideal in my opinion. The snow was just wet enough to “stick” to the trees and bushes yet was not an issue for the roads. I was able to get to the Morton Arboretum early and take advantage of the Members Only entrance between 7am and 9am. Most times I was following a single path of footsteps and at others my footsteps were the first. I even saw a few Deer tracks (not as many as I expected though).
If you remember in MyShadowProductions Post #182 on 9/4, I was hopeful to get pictures of the “Of The Earth” exhibits in the snow and that day came on December 20, 2024 :) (I know, awkward with the “of the” twice, couldn’t think of a better way to say it :)
CLICK HERE for a Video created from my photos.
Here are some random photos in Aurora during the Snow (sometimes Mother Nature provides all the entertainment along with some lights and man made structures :)
No, I wasn’t trying to imitate the Statue of Liberty, that would have been the other arm :)