Thursday, January 23, 2025

PORTUGAL Day 1 LISBON Jan 22, 2025 - MyShadowProductions #192

Olá everyone from Lisbon, Portugal.

Yes, I made it, no problems with flights, 2.5 hours from Chicago to Newark, 2 hour layover and 6.5 hours Newark to Lisbon.

At the airport, after immigration and customs, I got some Euros from an ATM, some coffee and then found the Metro station to buy a Navigante card (a “zapping” card) to use at the entrance/exit turnstyles to the Metro (subway) trains.

The Red Line serves the Airport and meanders toward Central Lisbon. I got off at the Alameda Station and transferred to the Green Line for a short ride to the Anjos (means Angels in Portuguese) Station where I found my way upstairs for my first street views in Lisbon.

My hotel was about a 10 minute walk, where I stored my bags in a locker they make available until check in is ready.

The time zone here is +5 hours to Eastern, +6 to Central, etc.

After a short nap I took the Green Line to the Baixa Chiado Station.
I need to go back there and count, but there is a series of at least 4 long escalators/stairs to get “out”. Very impressive really and the construction must have been interesting.

Ok, time to let the pictures do the “talking”.

CLICK HERE for a Video created from my photos on this Day One adventure. I apologize, some of the photos are “blurry”, I don’t know the reason but I will try to figure it out (sometime :).

A few tidbits about Lisbon:
  • Lisbon is built on Seven Hills, similar to Rome.
  • The 25 de Abril Bridge over the Tagus River is similar to the Golden Gate Bridge in SF.
  • The Great Lisbon Earthquake on November 1, 1755 killed an estimated 70,000 people, caused some major tsunamis (in Morroco the tsunami breached 20+ ft high sea walls and in Cádiz, Spain the tides were about 65 feet high). Large areas of Lisbon were destroyed.

I have a correction from my last post, Obregado ends in the long o sound like “doe” not “due” :)

ADEUS POR  AGORA !! (bye for now :)


  1. Nice that your flights went well. Good to see parts of the city, a lot of green and even a few flowers. Have a nice time, looking forward to more videos!! LeeAnn

  2. Wow, I’ve never been there but one of the countries I interested in. The pics are very nice to get an overview of the city.
    💕💕🙏🏻 for your safety
