Saturday, April 27, 2024

SPRING at Morton Arboretum - MyShadowProductions #170

Hey everybody !!

Well, I hit the jackpot on 4/20, no not the Weedy kind of jackPot :), but the “It Was a Great Spring Day” kind of Jackpot :) Also, (a little useless info) 4/20 2024 is the same (kind of:) backwards?

I went to the Morton Arboretum not sure if I was too late or too early for some Spring Color. Turns out it was just right (for me anyway).

The weather was great, a “Look Like Temperature of 70 degrees”, “Feel Like Temperature of 42 degrees” and “Actual Temperature of 48 degrees”, with plenty of sunshine and blue skies with classic, fluffy (I can’t think of a better term :) clouds.

What says Spring more than Daffodils, Tulips, Magnolias, Red Bud Trees, Crabapple Trees, Wildflowers, Baby Geese, Robins, Cardinals, Squirrels, Green Grass, etc. and all the fragrances that a Camera cannot capture?

Click Here for a Video created from my photos of the day.

This Short Video was part of the previous Video. Did you notice the Great Blue Heron flying or did your eyes focus on the car? Sorry it isn’t very clear, I think I “zoomed in” too much?

My vote for MVP (Most Visible Plant) of the day would be the REDBUDS :)

One thing I missed/forgot was a MyShadow photo :( 

Here is one on a different day while walking:

I also feel like Spring deserves a HAIKU :)

I saw some really cool art while walking between Union Station and the Green Line “L” stop on Clinton St, on the way to a volunteer shift at the Garfield Park Conservatory. It was in the lobby of an office building and it is called Sand Painting. Luckily I was able to walk in the building and take some photos:

You can CLICK HERE to read his website and learn about his interesting talent, he even has Videos showing start to finish of “Paintings” :)

Let’s All Have a Great Week and a Warm Welcome to the Month of May :)


  1. Amazing photos, you did pick a great day!! Such a blue sky and you are correct—fluffy clouds!! I loved seeing the blue bells in this video—one of my favorites!! So many signs of Spring and the wonders of nature! LeeAnn

  2. Nice HaiKu! Nice shadow! Nice walk! Lovely spring photos! Patty
