Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Zihuatanejo - Pacific Ocean Boat Ride - MyShadowProductions #166

Ahoy, Mateys :)

First of all, I find it just simply amazing that anything, let alone a cell phone (is that the right term these days?:), can take photos and videos!

And, Thanks for all the nice Comments on my previous Posts, it is great to share some Life!

In this Post I will share the 20 minute Video of my boat ride from Playa Las Gatas to Playa Manzanillo on the Pacific Coast in Zihuatanejo, MX. The blue line in the photo below is the path of the total boat ride.

It was a spur of the moment idea/decision while sitting at the Playa Las Gatas Pier and luckily Alejandro was willing to make the journey with his boat “Prieta Linda“= “Cute Brunette” :) Especially since I didn’t know about Carlos Slim yet, and it would have been awkward trying to borrow his OSTRA Yacht :)

I didn’t experience any sea sickness (luckily) and felt safe the entire trip (remember, I have also felt safe in Denver and Chicago:) The “beach” itself at Playa Manzanillo is not a typical sandy, umbrella and drinks type of “beach”. I don’t snorkel but that is what others might do that venture there. I just enjoyed the views around each “corner” and the vastness of the “water” and “waves”. It got a little interesting when the anchor was stuck but Alejandro didn’t panic. I think he enjoyed going for a swim :)

Also visible in the distance from the boat were the El Faro (lighthouse) Punta Garrobo, the area of Barra de Potosi and Playa Larga (Long Beach).

Ok, enough of the “story”, take your Dramamine, lol, and CLICK HERE for a 20 minute boat ride on the Pacific Ocean in Zihuatanejo, MX :)

Bon Voyage !! (Thanks Alejandro !!)

Looks like some Readers of this Post will be getting a nice Early Spring Snowstorm, hope it doesn’t cause too many problems, please send photos if you see anything interesting:) 


  1. Great video! I could feel those waves!! I know I would not feel safe out there, sometimes the waves covered the rocks!! Guess he knew where they were. Great pictures and videos. LeeAnn

  2. Thx for boat ride - felt like I was in the boat- and like LeeAnn I would not feel safe! Was the video of you going or returning?
