Friday, December 22, 2023

HAPPY HOLIDAYS 2023-2024 - MyShadowProductions #154

Happy Holidays everyone !!

First, I normally don’t do New Year resolutions but I am going to think about this one. I recently started volunteering at the Aurora Area Interfaith Food Pantry (that is a mouthful :) and on my second day I was “told” (by another volunteer) that I was “mansplaining”. I apologized without really understanding what that meant. I googled it later and if I was just a little bit “guilty” of that then I need to work on it.

Back to the Holidays!!

After Thanksgiving I started to take random photos of things that suggested or represented Christmas and the New Year. Unfortunately there wasn’t any local snow to “enhance” the season.

I combined those photos with the photos I received from MyShadow Followers that I requested in previous Posts. 

The result is my Movie/video Christmas Card for 2023/2024.

CLICK HERE for Christmas Cheer (that rhymes:)

Here is a rough map of where MyShadowProductions Followers live (still waiting for a follower outside the United States:). Hopefully I didn’t miss anyone.

I haven’t done HAIKU in a while, one last try for this year :)

How are you? they said
“Better than I think I am”
Gratitude helps that

Most of all, to all of you and your families!!

Best Wishes with Peace and Joy throughout the New Year !!


  1. Butterflies, monkeys, and ants....OH MY! Such great shots, Kim. Happiest of Holidays to you and yours.

  2. Wow, Magestic collection of photos ❣️
    This is one that I’ll continue to look at over the Christmas holidays. Thank you so kindly for your blogs throughout the years- very creative!!! Merry Christmas to you and your family 💕💕🙏🏻

  3. Many great adventures! Enjoyed the "Christmas lights and all that went with them. Safe travels until we meet again.
