Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Scarecrow Trail Morton Arboretum - MyShadowProductions #145

 Trick or Treat !!

I have two little adventures that I want to share at some point.

To decide which one first, I needed a coin to flip, that took a while to find :) No, it wasn’t under the couch cushion or on the sidewalk, it was in my “DBG volunteer bag” that was neatly set aside in the closet.

The winner is a day trip to the Morton Arboretum in Lisle, IL.

It was kind of a quick decision on Monday when the forecast showed mostly sunny weather with cool temperatures.

For me, the trip involves walking 10 minutes to the Aurora METRA Train station and then a 20 minute train ride to the Lisle Station and then a 10 minute Uber ride to the Morton Arboretum.

This was my first time there after knowing about it and seeing it along the Highway in past trips around this area.

I was very lucky with the timing and the Fall Colors were on display.

Mind you, there are 1700 acres in the Arboretum and I barely scratched the surface. So, fair warning, there will be many “spur of the moment” day trips to the Arboretum in the future.

I never realized it before but the Morton Arboretum is named after its founder Joy Morton who owned the Morton Salt Co.

Click here to read about the Legacy of Joy Morton and his (that’s right) Morton Arboretum.

It was obvious early on that the Scarecrow Trail around Meadow Lake was there just for me to document and share with all of the MyShadow followers, you know who you are. Another lucky day!

The scarecrows (over 4 dozen of them) were created by local Brownie, Girl and Cub Scout troops.

I really did not know how to “pick a favorite” and vote in the Visitor Center. The variety of ideas was impressive.

As you watch (hopefully) the movie/video below, see if you can spot the scarecrow that will inspire you to “…Make S’more Memories” :)

CLICK HERE for the movie/video created from my photos.

As sometimes happens, when I review my photos a day after a visit I feel like some photos are missing, meaning to me that I didn’t quite capture the beauty that I saw, but, being a true Cubs Fan of old, I tell myself, maybe next time :)

I also rode the one hour tram ride for views throughout the Arboretum acreage. 

The driver was very informative, witty and dropped several references to sights that happen in the Winter and Spring and Summer, planting the seed (pun intended) for a return visit.

He apologized for bringing us back to the Visitor Center a few minutes late. He explained though that no matter how many times he is on schedule, when he dies he will be remembered as “The Late Jim……..” :)

Watch here for a movie/video created from more of my photos that day.

By the way, today (Tuesday) was cold, windy, cloudy, snowy, etc.

I am not nearly as aware of what I am looking at as I might want. I didn’t realize the shape of the Artwork below until I was walking away and read the sign :)

That’s all for now :)



  1. Looks amazing. Great photos as walkways.

  2. Great Blog! You really captured the wonderful colors- such a tranquil place- Joy did make this place look like the east- great to see in the Midwest. Interesting read of the Joy families 💕💕🙏🏻

  3. Great photos, looking at all the photos several times in this blog and others. Always a nice place to enjoy nature when dark outside! Thanks for your walks!! LeeAnn
