Monday, October 17, 2022

Fall Colors Denver Botanic Gardens - MyShadowProductions # 111

Hello again !!

What started out as a Sanity Walk to the Botanic Gardens for fresh air and some exercise turned into an unexpected photo opportunity. I did not charge my phone before the walk and I am grateful that 18% charged allowed me to take the photos I wanted after seeing the burst of fall colors.

My timing was accidentally “perfect” because it was supposed to “frost” overnight and after that the leaves may start to fall? 

It is so cool how the Bonsai Trees experience the seasons just like the “real” trees :)

The clouds gave way to mostly sunny skies adding the colors sky blue and white to the mix :)

Surprise, but I made a movie/video from my photos; CLICK HERE to view it!

Hope everyone is having a great Fall, we all know what comes after the Fall, right?

Yep, getting back up :)

I tried to avoid the Dia de Los Muertos decorations spread throughout the Gardens but a few snuck in accidentally :)

              Have a great day !!

Thursday, October 6, 2022

Berlin Botanical Garden, Haarlem & Zandvoort- MyShadowProductions # 110

Hey everyone!!

The Berlin Botanical Garden is very cool, interesting to read about it on the internet and I am very grateful that I was able to spend a day there before heading back to Amsterdam.

Click here for a movie/video created from my photos at the Botanical Garden.

Maybe a few too many orchid photos but the endless variety was really cool and believe me, my photos only scratched the surface both at the Orchid Show and in the Botanical Garden as well.

One question about the Botanical Garden movie/video might be, why did I decide to show my black boot/s in a couple of the photos? And my hand?

The rhubarb drink (at end of Botanical Garden movie/video) was very good, have never seen that drink before, glad it was there waiting for me :)

Haarlem is a smaller version of Amsterdam with some of its own unique qualities. Haarlem is west of Berlin and Zandvoort is west of Haarlem with a beach on the North Sea, if that seems “weird”, look at a map : 

Click Here to see a movie/video created from my photos in Haarlem and Zandvoort.

On the iPhoto's menu there is a selection “Places” that shows on a map where photos were taken. I want to remind myself to look at it more often when I am in an area to help me see what I might be “missing”.

Here are a few screenshots showing my photos in Amsterdam, Berlin and Haarlem:

Random thought, when I was in Thailand I often thought they needed to have a National “cleanup day” to tidy things up a bit/a lot! 
In Amsterdam I think a “claim your bike day” would be very interesting. At a certain hour of a designated day everyone would get on/near their bike(s) and all the “unattached bikes” could be accounted for?? Don’t know what to do with the “unattached bikes”, cross that bridge when/if it happens :)
This photo was just one of several “sea of bikes” I saw:

Have a great weekend!!

Sunday, October 2, 2022

Berlin, Germany #2 - MyShadowProductions # 109

 Hello again. I have been back in the United States for a few days now.

The main reason for my recent trip was to meet several other family members in Berlin to attend the wedding of one of our nephews :)

On Friday afternoon, September 23, they were married in a civil ceremony at a Standesamt (Civil Registry Office). 

Later that day a Repetition of Vows and Reception was held at the Ballhaus Wedding venue. It was really cool to see other family members I hadn’t seen for a long time and just enjoy the moment for the happy couple.

It was a great opportunity to visit Berlin and Amsterdam since they were not on my radar as places to explore.

In Amsterdam there are free ferries to cross the River between Amsterdam Centraal and North Amsterdam. I took a video as the ferry had landed and the passengers embarked. Click here to see it :) 

Why did the people cross the River? I don’t know, but in a few seconds after exiting the ferry they all went different directions and the ferry was loaded to repeat the scene on the other side :)

On the train from Amsterdam to Berlin I took a one minute video out the window. Click here to view it.

I made a movie/video from my photos in Berlin over the 4 days.

Click Here to view it.

Happenings in Berlin included The Wedding, East Side Gallery, River Spree Boat Tour, Brandenburg Gate, Berlin Marathon, buses (the 100 and 200 as recommended by a “fellow traveler“:) Subway, Trams, Döner kebabs, Alexanderplatz and trying to find “German food at Restaurants” (not as easy as it would seem:)

The next step was early Monday morning to return to Amsterdam Centraal by train from Berlin and then catch a train to Haarlem, a smaller city West of Amsterdam. Rain was in the forecast but it really didn’t change my plans, just changed the photos with a different light.

Talk to you soon with some additional movie/videos from Berlin Botanical Garden, Haarlem and Zandervoot aan Zee.

                 Happy October !!