Monday, March 14, 2022

Boulder - Hike Red Rocks and Anemone Trail - MyShadowProductions # 92

Hello again, Happy March Madness time :)

Started today’s adventure here waiting for a bus to Union Station, I skipped the Golden Arches :)

I decided to get out of Denver for the day so I took the Flatiron Flyer (aka bus) to Boulder. 

I “walked” west down the Pearl Street Mall to The Peoples’ Crossing:

From there I “hiked” the Red Rocks and Anemone Trail. It seems that I had the same kind of idea about a year ago, click here for MyShadowProductions post #32 on March 4, 2021.

Here is the AllTrails map for the hike:

If you look closely to the right and center of the map, there is “Mork and Mindy House”, didn’t know it was filmed in Boulder?? Click here if you are interested in the Mork and Mindy trivia :)

Here are a few movie/videos created from my photos:

In the video you may have noticed several areas with a lot of downed and scorched trees. From what I could find out, there was a fire there at the end of October in 2010.

Also in the second movie/video is this photo:
A paraglider !!

In Boulder, panhandler line of the day, “Hey man, you got an extra dollar? I am saving up so I can go to Amsterdam, there’s gonna be a nuclear war here!”

Also, saw a couple of unique signs:

Read the sign behind it too :)

               Well, it has been great blogging with you again!

              Happy St. Patrick’s Day Week !!

            Or, Happy National Pi Day 3/14 or even better 3.14 :))

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