Tuesday, November 30, 2021

MyShadowProductions #73 - Honduras/Loma de Luz Days 26 - 28

Hola amigos! 

The weather was great Saturday and I hiked to Balfate and walked the beach there and hiked back, total around 8 - 10 miles? Not sure why I “hiked” part of it and “walked” the other??

Along the way, I saw a few opportunities for a “joke”:

3 HP (horse power) grass mowing at the Campo de Futbol (soccer field) above.

I don’t know if it crossed the road, so I didn’t ask it Why? (above)

And a photo not a joke:

This is the kind of tree they use to make the hand hewn boats. It was around 3 ft diameter and over 60 ft tall. 

Here are a few movie/videos created from my photos:

Shelf-making with Mario continues, we finished our third set today and have a couple of work tables to start on tomorrow.

I was looking back at my photos (before shelf-making started) and realized that Mario is not shy of a camera:
And, why not? A quick movie/video of the shelves including a piece for the Christmas Nativity Scene :)

As far as I know the election and post-election have been peaceful. I think Honduras is getting their first female President. When I was in Balfate on Saturday there were military/national guard personnel in town near the election headquarters.
Try wouldn’t let me take photos. Also, when I was in Roby’s Cafe Express, an international election observer (my term) came in with a Honduran escort and bought a Coke. She said she was from Switzerland, thought Coke would be safe, didn’t want to try local coffee, her loss :)

I liked the view when I stopped on the Balfate beach to take this photo but I like it even more seeing it in a photo, I should have cropped the small piece of debris at the bottom :)

Have a great day!

1 comment:

  1. This is a very nice photo- one you might frame and hang on your wall at home.
    You got me laughing this morning!
    Greatful for the detailed adventure 💕💕🙏🏻
