Tuesday, November 16, 2021

MyShadowProductions #69 - Honduras/Loma de Luz Days 13 & 14


Sunday started off with some rain but it soon became partly sunny around 2 pm..

I decided to take a walk to the East towards the little town of Lucinda. On the way there I passed the El Camino Bilingual School (will visit there someday when kids are in school) and the Palmera Este (East African Palm farm) which is also a part of Loma de Luz.

Also, saw these guys along the road:

MyShadow liked the view of the clouds hugging the mountain in the distance and a painted concrete wall which may be a school?

Life looks pretty challenging in Lucinda BUT there were kids playing and laughing, men and women waving Hola and roosters crowing. 

On the way back, guess where I stopped?

Earlier in the morning I took a quick visit to the Hospital’s nice little courtyard and took photos of art that they have on the walls there.

Here are a couple of movie/videos of art around the Loma de Luz campus:

This artwork caught my eye out of the group:

This artwork has a lot going on and has its own appeal:

Love the frames too, maybe Mario and I can make some of those when we finish the shelves? Worked on them again today and should finish in the morning unless someone decides to add something :)

The repaired jeans were hanging on my door in a bolsa (bag) when I got back to my room around 4 pm. They look good, we’ll see how it works.

                             Have a great day!

1 comment:

  1. Enjoyed the artwork and the frames.
    The cows look healthy which is good to see
    We were talking about walking sticks. Well when I pulled into my garage this afternoon there was a fellow who apparently sits in his assigned area whittling walking sticks. He gets the sticks from the forests near by. He makes them for us as residence. I now have a walking which will come in quite handy.
