Hello again!
This past Wednesday, Cinco de Mayo, my volunteer shift at Denver Botanic Gardens was cancelled because of something I never thought I would hear in Denver, “the gardens are too wet because of all the rain”.
Even though it is still early spring, not many flowers, leaves, crops and lavender yet, I decided to take a trip south of Denver to the Denver Botanic Gardens Chatfield Farms location.
To get there is pretty easy. A 15 minute walk from my apartment to the 16th and Stout RTD Light Rail Station, a 30 minute train ride south on the N Line to the last stop, the Littleton/Mineral Avenue Station and a 10 minute Uber ride to Chatfield Farms.
It turned out to be a good day for a visit. Due to the previous couple days of rain, Deer Creek was flowing full and plenty of small, tree debris caused, waterfalls. In addition, there were plenty of interesting clouds (sounds strange, but sometimes there is too much sun in Denver?, careful what I wish for!) and I even got to see a thunderstorm move through just to the east of the Farms. The clouds made it a little challenging for MyShadow, but we were able to get that all important photo :)
Click Here for the Chatfield Farms website and a complete story of what they are all about.
This sign at the Visitor Center (Closed because of COVID) lists the major Special Events held at the Farms:
One special exhibit is called “One Fell Swoop” by Patrick Dougherty, see the photos below and Click Here for the full story:
Look real close at this plant, I think it is a “Feather Sprouts” :)
The State Bird of Colorado is a Lark Bunting, but I think I got a photo of a Black-billed Magpie?? :), am I a “Birder” yet??
Enjoyed your photos but also your writings. Very calming and peaceful! 🙏🏻