Wednesday, December 2, 2020

MyShadowProductions #21 - RTD-Denver - Art-n-Transit #1

Update, Wednesday, December 2, the videos are working :)

Since videos are not working, I have added photos below, hope you enjoy! :)

It didn’t help as far as I can tell, videos aren’t playing on past posts either :(, I will try to find the problem, fingers crossed! 

Update: You may have experienced problems opening the videos, so I have deleted them and reloaded, hope this helps!?!?

Denver’s RTD light rail system is pretty cool. At many of their Stations there are Art Installations, 73 to date, commissioned by the Art-n-Transit program. For a very detailed explanation of the program and details for each work of Art (I learned how to do this link without showing all of the words and symbols, etc. :)

As another distraction from the COVID-19 restrictions, I will be riding the light rail and stopping at the Stations with Art Work to take photos.

I expect this to be a series of 3 Blogs. (Fair Warning :)

A side benefit is seeing parts of the Denver area that are new to me. One particular interest of mine is to see what light rail routes are close to access points for the 71 miles long High Line Trail that meanders northeast to southeast across the Metro Area.

The schematic Map does not include the N Line which goes from Union Station north to Thornton and includes 15 Art Installations. These 15 Art Installations are listed and described in the link above in the first paragraph.

As I like to do, I will make movie/videos from the photos.
This video is for Art Installations 1 thru 30:

Since the video is not working, here are the photos:

The next movie/video is with random photos taken along this part of the RTD light rail Art journey:
(Pardon any repetitions of photos)

Since video is not working, here are some photos:

The second to last photo shows Denver’s Original Steakhouse, cool to look at their website Here.

Ok, everyone that has made it this far in the Blog, please:

Talk to you soon with #2 in the series! :)

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