Friday, September 1, 2023

Visiting Illinois - MyShadowProductions #141

Hola Amigos ! 

No, I am not in Mexico or Guatemala, I just wanted to use a little Spanish :)

I have been visiting Illinois for a few weeks, family reunion, family visits, etc.

It is always nice to re-see the area of my birth and most of the years of my life.

Just a few quick photos to represent that thought:

Took a great, relaxing walk at Lincoln Memorial Garden along the shore of Lake Springfield. In the Garden there are MANY benches for resting and they include sayings that are worth pondering. The majority are from Springfield, IL’s most (arguably) famous resident Abraham Lincoln. It seems Abe had a lot to say and said it well in a few sentences :) One example:

Click here for a movie/video created from my photos.

I hope to have other photos, thoughts, movie/videos to share soon, just wanted to keep in touch and share some Illinois !!

Have a great day and Hello September !!

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