Sunday, December 4, 2022

Todos Santos #Dos - MyShadowProductions # 119

Buenos Dias !!

I made it back to Denver on Friday night, good flight and no problems.

San José del Cabo Airport is very nice and is expanding.

Here are a few photos to get an idea:

Todos Santos is a nice town and the Pueblo Màgico designation is helping it develop.

Click Here to view my movie/video created from my photos while walking around the Centro part of town.

Seeing the Blow from the passing whales (most likely Humpback Whales from what I read) was a bonus to my last walk to Playa La Cachora. An amazing journey the whales make and timed perfectly for me to view a few of them cross the horizon at sunset :)

On Thursday I returned to San José del Cabo via Aguila Bus in preparation for my Friday Flight.

Here are a few last night/morning photos of San José del Cabo including the Thursday night Art Walk:

Just like that, after a 20 minute taxi ride to the Airport, Terminal 2 International, a vanilla milkshake while waiting and then a 3 hour flight back to Denver Airport and this view at the escalator, down to the Train to the City:

Gracias a Todos for sharing my trip through photos and corny narrations :)

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