Sunday, November 21, 2021

MyShadowProductions #71 - Honduras/Loma de Luz Day 18


Saturday was my 18th day here and I decided to walk through the Canadian Development nearby, Villas Paraiso Escondido (roughly Secret Paradise Villas) and access the beach from there and walk West a little and then to the East.

Here is a map with my route and a closer view of the Villas development:

It turned out to be a great day with many, many photo opportunities so you may have movie/videos overload if you are brave enough to finish this post.

By the way, my photos include some locals and I asked each of them before I took the photos :) (except guys in the boats) :)

The security guard at the Villas gate was very nice. I knocked and asked him if I could walk to the beach. Puedo caminar a la playa? He said Si 

Here are three movie/videos:

I have been told that someone donated their Villa to Loma de Luz and it is available  for Loma de Luz long term missionaries to use for a “beach getaway”.

The water was so clear and inviting I stopped for a swim about midway heading East.

The sailboat looked like such a peaceful ride, I was hoping to catch them at the shore and ask if I could pay for a short ride but they didn’t come to shore while I was there.

Here are a few short videos using the iPhotos memory movie tool:

I definitely plan on making this trip a few more times. Hopefully see a sunset there too.

Here is a photo of my collection of rocks and shells so far. Nothing amazing about any of them, usually just sitting by themselves on the beach calling my name.

                                     Feliz Lunes !


  1. Are those hibiscus flowers? Do they grow wild there? I enjoyed all of the photos- not too many. A natural beautiful hike without too much fuss to take care of- no pollution. How refreshing is that??? Is it as peaceful as it appears?

  2. I am not sure about any of the flowers names or if they grow wild. The flowers in the photos were on maintained plants in the landscape.
    Definitely peaceful at the beach and even at the Guest Housing where my room is.
    Thanks Lynn.
