Thursday, January 28, 2021

MyShadowProductions #28 - Day Trip #8 - Ski Copper Mountain & Walk Frisco

 Hi everyone!!

Yesterday, January 27, 2021, I took a trip via Bustang from Denver Union Station to the Frisco Transit Center, about a 2 hr bus ride. From the Transit Center there are free shuttle buses, the Summit Stage, that run every half hour to Downtown Frisco, Copper Mountain, Breckenridge and Silverthorne (about a 20 minute trip for each).

I chose Copper Mountain for skiing and I had some time left in the afternoon for some walking in and around Frisco (which is near Lake Dillon, the lake was frozen and is more of a spring and summer attraction).

I am grateful that I didn’t let the early morning temperature (9 in Denver and -2 in Copper Mountain) make me cancel the trip, it turned into a beautiful sunny day, I think they call it a “bluebird day”??

I learned one thing (maybe?) walking through Frisco. I have always spelled the Indian tents, Teepees, but this sign says Tipi??

For display only? A little too breezy this way without the outer shell??

One frustration I want to share before the usual movie/videos. The vast majority of the photos I take are in “landscape” and when I use Google photos to create the “movie” I select the landscape option but for some time, something has changed in their application and the “movies” are in portrait, so some of my photos look “cropped” :( I have sent a comment to Google Community about it and it looks like many others have too, but no action yet.

Anyway, here is a short movie/video of Skiing at Copper. I don’t like messing with my phone while skiing but this gives a little idea what I enjoyed.

Back on the spelling lesson, I wish I had a dollar for every time someone asked me, “Is Kim your real name or is it short for something? My response is usually “It is short for Kimosabi”(you know, Tonto’s name for the LoneRanger), I spelled it in my mind with I’s without researching it and it fits my story better :) Anyway, I saw this restaurant door with this message for me, and maybe it is spelled this way??

The next movie/video is in Downtown Frisco and at times a few blocks off (kind of like me, a few blocks off :))

Did you notice the message in the snow? I was going to write HELLO, but in true Colorado fashion, I shortened it to HI (Obviously I am not a great SnowWriter, I will leave that Blog/challenge to someone else. :) Please, no yellow snow jokes......

Also, I wish they would rent out those log cabins like an apartment, always thought that would be cool!

Might be worth a trip back on Bustang to ski or explore Breckenridge and not sure about Silverthorne??

One thing I noticed at Copper Mountain that I didn’t get any photos of is they have a “Roller Coaster” of sorts winding down the mountain and weaving through the trees. I will have to explore that, looks interesting but maybe too fast for my comfort???

I took photos of a verse on the side of a restaurant in Frisco that I had to copy and paste to get the full effect because my original photos were of each half individually. That explanation doesn’t make sense but I do like the message!

Have a good day or night!!!! :)

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