Tuesday, October 27, 2020

MyShadowProductions #18 - The “Path”

Sometimes the “Path” in front (or behind) us is clear, straight, defined, lonely, crowded, bumpy, smooth, long, short, seemingly infinite, confusing, intimidating, rewarding (we hope), etc. and is called “life”.

Here are a couple of movie/videos of actual “paths” that I have found in my photos. It seems that I am drawn to that long view for some reason or maybe no reason?

By the way, my comment in my previous post about great weather in October has been challenged the last couple of days with temperatures in single digits to teens and accumulating snow :

The following photos are from the internet and I have accumulated them over the years, they tend to follow the “Path” theme:

Happy Halloween!!!

Sunday, October 11, 2020

MyShadowProductions #17 - Day Trip #6 - Denver to Colorado Springs

September is gone and October is here, two of the best months for beautiful weather in Denver, sunny and warm days and cool nights, my opinion of course. The temperatures need to be colder in the mountains so they can start snowmaking and maybe that will happen next week.

Bustang leaves Union Station at 7:10 am and arrives in Colorado Springs Downtown Metro Terminal around 9:30 am, after quite a few stops in Denver and north side of Colorado Springs.

Although Colorado Springs is known as Olympic City USA, with the Olympic Committee offices, Olympic Museum, Olympic and Paralympic Training Center and is home to The Air Force Academy and NORAD, I chose to visit the Downtown area a little and the Garden of the Gods.

Other attractions in the area include Manitou Incline, Manitou Cave Dwellings, Seven Falls, Red Rock Canyon Open Space, etc.

Also, Pikes Peak! It is the bald, grey colored mountain top that is visible in several of my photos in the movie/videos (how many times do you see it in the photos?) and these below:

At the Garden of the Gods I combined an hour long Horseback ride from the Academy Riding Stables and a couple of hours hiking by foot.

There are over 20 miles of different Trails in the Park and I only saw maybe 8? miles?

The Horseback ride was on parts of the Columbia, Hemp and Scotsman Trails, I think, and I hiked on parts of the Arnold, Buckskin Charlie, Ridge, Ute and Gateway Trails! 

The following movie/video will hopefully share some pretty amazing views and the quietly beautiful landscape!

The next movie/video shows photos of Old Colorado City and Colorado Springs.
It is interesting to google the Buffalo Lodge and read about it’s plans!

The trip back to Denver is a little challenging. 
For some reason the bus does not leave from the Downtown Metro Terminal but from the South Tejon Road Park and Ride at 5:10 pm. This requires a short Uber ride or about a 25 minute walk that gets “challenging” due to the Park and Ride’s location close to Interstate 25 and several other busy streets. 

However, I was back at my apartment around 7:30 pm.