Saturday, June 6, 2020

MyShadowProductions #8 - Denver Botanic Gardens - Mordecai Children’s Garden

Well, the good news is that the Denver Botanic Gardens re-opened recently with variations due to the COVID -19 concerns.

The bad news is that the Mordecai Children’s Garden area will remain closed for the season.
They still plan on having some classes and small group tours there so the plants and flowers will not be left totally in isolation.

Additional good news for me is that volunteer shifts will still be available to maintain the Children’s Garden. I have already started helping and took the opportunity to take some photos and create the movie/video below.

MyShadow was getting a little bossy during the photo process and some shadows from Nature made a guest appearance in some of the photos.

The Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly in the one photo was much larger than I remember them in Central Illinois.

Hopefully, there will be an adjustment of the closure decision and more people will be “allowed” access to view and enjoy the display of Nature, the original intent of the Gardens.

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