Sunday, August 6, 2023

Travel Dreams/Inspirations - MyShadowProductions #140

Hello everyone!! What does that title mean? I don’t know, but here goes.

My mind seems to enjoy the idea of seeing landscapes and areas of our world. 

Etc., Etc., Etc. :)

I am grateful for the many places I have been fortunate to visit during my life (Illinois, New York, Colorado, Utah, California, Georgia, Wisconsin, Michigan, Missouri, Ohio, Maine, Florida, Massachusetts, Hawaii, Iowa, South Carolina, Italy, Germany, Amsterdam, Switzerland, Austria, France-tiny bit, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Mexico, Costa Rica, Honduras, Guatemala, and others I am probably forgetting :) Thankfully, many of the “trips” have included family, making them very special !!

This Post is out of the ordinary for me but I wanted to share some travel “things” that I have seen while searching and planning trips.

First of all, there are a couple of YouTube vloggers that I follow pretty regular.

PaddyDoyle is one. He has been doing YouTube vlogs for maybe 6+ years. His videos caught my eye at first because he was visiting every Province in Thailand via a small motorbike. Since then he has been to Vietnam, Philippines, Singapore and now is in Switzerland.

Click here to see his latest video from Switzerland. He publishes a new Post usually two/three times a week, random days.

The other is ItchyBoots. She is a 30 something girl from The Netherlands and has been traveling the World (literally) for the past 7+ years via motorcycle. She has been through most of Europe, South Africa, Southern tip of South America all the way to North tip of Alaska and now in the northern part of West Africa. These videos are special to me because I will most likely never make it to these areas that she is exploring.

CLICK HERE to see her latest video from Ghana, Africa. She publishes a new Post every Wednesday and Sunday. Many, many past videos to watch with unique and often times challenging situations but a very real view of “life and nature around the world”.

I think it is obvious from my past Posts that I like to walk/hike/roam/wander/wonder when I visit an area and of course take photos and share the views.

I have found a few sites that have Inn to Inn self-guided walking tours that look very interesting. At first glance the daily walking distances (10+ miles) seem beyond my fitness but there are some itineraries with a difficulty level of 2 out of 5 that may work for me??

For an example of what I am dreaming about, Check Out this website and all of their cool itineraries.

I apologize if I share too much about the Denver Botanic Gardens but it truly is for me an Oasis where I can find some serenity and sanity. That being said, here is a movie/video of photos I took in July at the Gardens. Watch It here.

Enjoy !!!