Hello to Summer (the season) and everyone reading this Post !!
Sunday, June 25, 2023, was a great day to escape Denver and head to Rocky Mountain National Park for a visit with Mother Nature.
I went on the CDOT BUSTANG bus from Union Station to Rocky Mountain National Park. There are a few stops/ pickup points along the way, including the Estes Park Visitors Center if Estes Park is your choice for the day. Click Here for all the details, costs (very inexpensive) on the BUSTANG service. I highly recommend, especially since it eliminates the need for the Timed Entry ticket!
I purchased the one day Park Individual Visitor Pass ($15) online but they didn’t check for it, but I am sure the Karma was used :)
The BUSTANG bus unloads at the Park and Ride within the Bear Lake Corridor and it is possible to hike from there or take the Bear Lake Shuttle to several Trailheads or the Moraine Park Shuttle. At first it is a little confusing but I found that reading as much info as possible ahead of time allowed me to see a clear route as I arrived at the Park and decided on a hike.
The weather was great, beautiful BLUE skies, a few WHITE clouds, comfortable temperatures (45 to 60) a light breeze, so grateful. Not part of the weather, just a result of past weather, the GREENS and Greys and Whites and ……. were so crisp and clear and the sounds of the streams and waterfalls, some visible and some in the distance just so healthy (I just don’t understand EarPods, to each their own I guess).
CLICK HERE for my movie/video created from my photos. I apologize if it is a little too long, just couldn’t leave out any of the views :)
I took the 7:00 am (another at 8 am) bus from Denver and arrived at the Park and Ride lot before 9:30 am. I left the Park on the 3:15 pm bus (another at 4:15 pm) and was back in Denver at my apartment around 6:30 pm :)
Here are a few of my photos that show a little of Mother Nature’s BEAUTY!!
Imagine being a drop of water in the world’s atmosphere, falling as snow, sleet or rain onto a mountain top, becoming part of a snowfield or glacier, at some point melting and joining with other drops, joining a trickle, a stream, passing through a lake, a waterfall, avoid being consumed (drank) by animals, evaporating, joining a river, dodging rafters and boulders and …….. ???
OR, falling on a parking lot and becoming part of a muddy puddle or flowing through a sewer or …….. ???
I guess we only get to choose some things ???
Have a great day wherever you are !!
(Just an idea, but in the future I would like to get a few photos from each viewer/future viewers(hopefully) that show something about their “world”, their “view” from a favorite window/seat/road/path, etc. make sense? With the photos I would create a movie/video to just mind travel for a few minutes.) Thoughts??