Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Shanahan Ridge Hike - MyShadowProductions #136

Hola Amigos !!!

 If you choose to watch the movie/video linked below, you will see that April showers definitely brought May wildflowers and green, green, green to the Boulder area, specifically the Shanahan Ridge area.

The hike I did was a loop about 4 miles long and 1.5 hours of enjoyable wandering.

I wasn’t fortunate to see any wildlife but did get serenaded by several varieties of birds at various times.

The Trailhead is very accessible from Denver via the RTD bus route Flatiron Flyer and  then a short transfer on the RTD Skip bus route.

Click here for my movie/video created from my photos.

While being this close to Boulder, I couldn’t resist a short visit to the Pearl Street Mall and a Gyro sandwich at Falafel King :)

Here are some photos:

In the weeks ahead I am going to try and take advantage of the weekend Bustang route to Estes Park/Rocky Mountain National Park. I am trying to watch the weather there and also the trail conditions, still a lot of snow on the ground above 9,000 ft elevation according to what I have found.

Have a Great Day !!

Sunday, May 21, 2023

Denver Botanic Gardens - MyShadowProductions #135

Well, guess what? First time this has happened but I had just completed this Blog Post and was adding the final line and I tried to correct one thing and, poof, just like that the Post was Blank and I couldn’t recover it.

Now, do I try and repeat what I had written or just treat it as a new Post? 

I don’t know, but here goes!

Hello everyone!!! (I think I said everybody previously? :)

Sunday was a nice day for a long walk. Recently the skies and air have been hazy and smokey due to wildfires in Canada, believe it or not. It seemed better today and the participants in the Colfax Marathon were probably grateful for any improvement.

I chose to walk to the Denver Botanic Gardens to see how Spring was progressing.

Click Here for my movie/video created from my photos.

In addition to the photos I shared a few notes on the areas of the Gardens where I am so fortunate to help during volunteer shifts. Still waiting for the day when I am “working” there and I look up to see someone I know :)

Actually, two weeks ago on Sunday was a nice day also and my walk that day was from my apartment westward down 16th Avenue to the 16th Street Mall all the way to Confluence Park and back (4 miles total?) The South Platte River and Cherry Creek “conflue” (my word :) there :)

There is a 3 years long project in progress that will reconfigure the Mall’s layout to create wider sidewalks, a new amenity zone and center-running Free MallRide shuttle service. The project extends from Broadway to Market Street. You can see some of the construction in my photos.

Hard to imagine how businesses can survive after the 2+ years of disruptions for COVID restrictions/shutdowns and now this?? 

CLICK HERE for my movie/video created from my photos during the sanity walk.

I know what you’re thinking, it must be your lucky day, 2 movie/videos at no extra cost :)

Thankfully I have made it this far without erasing my thoughts again, thanks for hanging around!!

                Have a great day/week !!