Sunday, April 30, 2023

First 3 Years of MyShadowProductions Blog - MyShadowProductions #134

Hello everyone, still there?

I haven’t Posted in a while, just haven’t been “Feeling IT” !!

Just a side note, 3 years ago on April 29, 2020 I published the first Post of MyShadowProductions. You can see it here! (Obviously, I did not know how the “Live” photo setting on the iPhone camera worked, hope it doesn’t make you dizzy?)

In an effort to get re-started, I have reminded myself of an excerpt I read in the book “The Gifts of Imperfection” by Brené Brown that was a big part of my initial impetus to “do a blog”. 

Here it is from page 53, middle of third paragraph:

“…Our unexpressed ideas, opinions and contributions don’t just go away. They are likely to fester and eat away at our worthiness. I think we should be born with a warning label similar to the ones that come on cigarette packages: Caution: If you trade in your authenticity for safety, you may experience the following: anxiety, depression, eating disorders, addiction, rage, blame, resentment, and inexplicable grief.”

Maybe a little too harsh? I don’t really think so, for me I can see how it rings true.

Here is a LINK if you want to read the first 40 pages of her book :)

Anyway, I started the MyShadowProductions blog in April of 2020 during the start of the insane COVID stuff.

Prior to that I had tried to share some travel photos and thoughts on JOURNO. You can CLICK HERE to visit those posts.

A few “themes” that I have tried to keep in mind along the journey have been:

MyShadow (of course :)

MyShadow at Boca de Tomatlán, Mexico

LuckyDog(s), click here to see the Posts that include LuckyDog(s).

LuckyDog in Half Moon Bay Roatán 

HolyCow(s), Click Here to see the Posts that include HolyCow(s).

                HolyCows on the Caribbean Coast of Honduras

HAIKU Poems, Clique Aqui to see the Posts that include my HAIKU Poems.

Spring is here again

New growth, colors, warmth, sunshine

Time to move forward

I continue to keep an open eye, ears and heart for other Posts, not sure where that leads, but hopefully I can find “IT” to photograph and share.

By the way, Spring is Springing, albeit rather slowly, but here are a few early signs at, you guessed it, the Denver Botanic Gardens:

Always interesting what might be visible out my apartment window and nearby streets:

March 3, 2023 8:30am East High School Student March for Safe Schools to the State Capitol (crowd about 3 blocks long)

Car bombarded by the Murder of Crows in the Neighborhood 

April 18, 2023 4:30am Emergency Response to something.

What? Why? I don’t know!

Happy May !!
I am grateful for my many Imperfections:)