Thursday, August 27, 2020

MyShadowProductions #12 - Day Trip (kind of) #3 - Denver Botanic Gardens

Finally gave in and scheduled a time online for visiting the Denver Botanic Gardens under the COVID changes.

First, a little “side” note: I figured out how to move the “Follow by Email” gadget to the top of the post, on the right “side” of the blog, hopefully this will be more convenient for anyone wanting to Follow. This applies when viewing the Blog on a laptop or iPad but on a cell phone you still need to click on “View web version” and then look for “Follow by Email”.

Purchase a ticket and you can enter anytime 30 minutes before and 30 minutes after that time. Once inside you can stay as long as you want, wearing a mask.

My time was 10:30 am on Sunday, August 23, 2020 and there were a lot of people with the same idea.

Did not have any ideas today for MyShadow, so I will share this photo from “twilight golf a few weeks ago, MyLongShadow”.

Back to the subject of the day, The Denver Botanic Gardens.

Saw the herb garden pretty early and decided to put a few pinches of lavender in my mask, worked pretty well!

By the way, “free grapes” if you know where to look (maybe the arbors around benches in the Monet Pool lily pad area?”)

Here is a movie/video from my day at the Denver Botanic Gardens:

Definitely an abundance of color and diversity of plants all with just a slight sense of haze and smell from the wildfires burning west of Denver in Colorado and according to reports, even the California fires.
I guess the mask was doing double duty!

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

MyShadowProductions #11 - Day Trip #2 - Denver to Fort Collins

Hello and happy Wednesday!

This past Monday I took Bustang from Union Station to Fort Collins (Also known as FoCo to the hip people) and back. 

Left Denver a little before 8am, arrived in Fort Collins around 9:15 and spent the day walking around. 

Visited Lee Martinez Community Park, Old Town, Downtown, Botanic Gardens with a mini Butterfly House and Colorado State University.

Left Fort Collins at 3:30 pm and back in Denver Union Station around 5 pm.

I noticed again that most of my photos are earlier in the day and do not give a good indication of how many people are out and about, for what it’s worth.

Nice town and vibe, not sure how that would change with a full student population?

Here is a shot of the great weather and a couple of movie/videos from my photos.

NoCapHill (North Capitol Hill, my apartment) to LoDo (Lower Downtown and Union Station) walking via 17th Street, Bustang on I25 to FoCo and in reverse!